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Japan-Related Database

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595 articles
Database Search
No. Area Theme Title Language Type of Data Use of Term
305 Japan General General 일본․북한 경제관계, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
304 Japan General General 일본 주요대표단 북한 방문, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
303 Japan General General 일본 일조 우호촉진의원 연맹 대표단 북한 방문 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
302 Japan General General 일․조 우호촉진의원 연맹, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
301 Japan General General 일본․북한간 기자교류, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
300 Japan General General 북한․일본간 접촉 확대문제, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
299 Japan General General 일본․북한 체육교류, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
298 Japan General General 북한․일본 관계, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
297 Japan General General 일본 외무성 주요인사 방한, 1972 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
296 Japan General General 한․일 의원간친회 창립총회, 1972.5.2 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit