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Japan-Related Database

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595 articles
Database Search
No. Area Theme Title Language Type of Data Use of Term
375 Japan General General 한․일본 외무장관회담 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
374 Japan General General 대일본 민간청구권 보상문제 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
373 Japan General General 대일본 민간 청구권 보상문제. 1972-76 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
372 Japan General General 일본/베트남 관게. 1976 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
371 Japan General General 일본/미국 관계.1976 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
370 Japan General General 일본.러시아(구 소련)관계. 1976 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
369 Japan General General 일본/중국(구 중공)관계. 1976 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
368 Japan General General 한/일본 정무일반. 1976 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
367 Japan General General 일본 정세,1975 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
366 Japan General General 한/일본 무역회담, 제12차. 동경, 1975.12.1-2 Korean Document Only Available only for visit