Position | Name | Affiliation |
Acting Director |
Nam, Kijeong |
Research Division Manager | Nam, Kijeong | SNU IJS |
Academic Exchanges Manager | Kim, Hyojin | SNU IJS |
Publications Division Manager | Jeong, Ji Hee | SNU IJS |
Resource Division Manager | Seo, Dong Ju | SNU IJS |
International Outgoing Manager |
Lee, Eun-gyong |
International Cooperation Manager |
Jo, Gwanja |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Chair |
Nam, Kijeong |
Committee | Han, JeongHun | SNU GSIS |
Committee | Song, Ji Yeon | SNU GSIS |
Committee |
Kim, Bum-Soo |
SNU Department of Liberal Studies |
Committee | Kim, Jong Hak | SNU Department of Political Science and International Relation |
Committee | Lee, Jung Hwan | SNU Department of Political Science and International Relation |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Chair |
Nam, Kijeong |
Committee | Han, JeongHun | SNU GSIS |
Committee |
Yang, Il-Mo |
SNU Department of Liberal Studies |
Committee |
Kim, Tae-Woong |
SNU Department of History Education |
Committee | Song, Ji-Yeon | SNU GSIS |
Committee | Kim, Baek-Young | SNU Department of Sociology |
Committee | Kim, Jong Hak | SNU Department of Political Science and International Relation |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Chair | Baak, Saang Joon | Waseda University, Faculty of International Research and Education |
Committee | Kim, Baek-Young | Kwangwoon University, Ingenium College of Liberal Arts |
Committee | Kim, Bo-Kyung | Korea National Open University Japanese Studies |
Committee | Kim, Hyojin | SNU IJS |
Committee | Kim, Hee-Kyong | Kyongpook National University, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology |
Committee | Park, Sam-Heon | Konkuk University, Department of Japanese Language and Literature |
Committee | Park, Seongbin | Ajou University, Department of Public Administration |
Committee | Park, Jeehwan | SNu GSIS |
Committee | Park, Hoon | SNU, Department of History |
Committee | Seo, Dong ju | SNU IJS |
Committee | Shin, Ki-Young | Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences |
Committee | Shin, Ha-kyung | Sookmyung Women's University Department of Japanese studies |
Committee | Oh, Yoon-jeong | SNU Department of Asian Languages and Civilization |
Committee | Lee, Eun-gyong | SNU IJS |
Committee | Lee, Jeong-Hwan | SNU Department of Political Science and International Relations |
Committee | Lee, Jee-Hyung | Sookmyung Women’s University Department of Japanese Studies |
Committee | Jung, Joon-Young | SNU Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies |
Committe | Jeong, Ji Hee | SNU IJS |
Committee | Cho, Hyun-Jung | KAIST, School of Digital Humanities & Computational Social Sciences |
Committee | Han, Jung-Sun | Korea University, Division of International Studies |
Committee | Hong, Jong-Wook | SNU, Intitute of Humanities |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Editor in Chief | Park, Cheol-Hee | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor | Jung, Ji Hee | Seoul National University |
Board Member | Cho, Hyunjung | KAIST |
Board Member | Lee, Changmin | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies |
Board Member | Han, Jung-Sun | Korea University |
Board Member | Kim, Hyojin | Seoul National University |
Board Member | Lee, Jung-Hwan | Seoul National University |
Board Member | Nam, Sang-wook | Incheon National University |
Board Member | Nam, Kijeong | Seoul National University |
Board Member | Park, Jeehwan | Seoul National University |
Board Member | Park, Young-June | Korea National Defense University |
Board Member | Seo, Dong Ju | Seoul National University |
Board Member | Kwak, Hyung-Deok | Myungji University |
Board Member | Kim, Ji-Young | University of Seoul |
Board Member | Park, Sam-Heon | Konkuk University |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Chair |
Nam, Kijeong |
Committee | Park, Hoon | SNU Department of Asian History |
Committee | Jo, Gwanja | SNU IJS |
Committee | Kim, Baek-young |
SNU Department of Sociology |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Researcher | Kim, Wook | Research professor of National Research Foundation |
Researcher | Choi, Jongmin | Research professor of National Research Foundation |
Position | Name | Affiliation |
Researcher | Lee, Kyungboon | Former HK Research Professor, SNU IJS |
Researcher | Kim, Chanhoon | Chairman of SHIN-GYUJANGGAK co. |
Researcher | Oh, Tae-kyu | Former Consu-general of Osaka |
Researcher | Jeong, Jin-seong | Former Professor, Korea Open University |
Researcher | Horiyama, Akiko | Mainichi Shimbun Reporter (former Seoul bureau chief) |
Researcher | Cho, Ara | Resercher of Korea Culture & Tourism Institute |
Researcher | Abe, Satoko | Ph. D. of Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Seoul National University |
Researcher | Jeong, Miae | Former Consul General of the ROK in Niigata, Japan |
Researcher | Sohn, Sukeui | Lecturer of International Studies, GSIS, SNU |
Researcher | Oh, Sae Jae | Lead Researcher, Institute of Political Studies, Sogang University |
Position | Name | Responsibilities | Phone | |
General Manager | Jeong, Yonu | General affairs, HK/JF/KF Project managements |
+82-2-880-8503 | miyabi@snu.ac.kr |
Officer | Kim, Miri |
Accounting, Editing of IJS Japan Review |
+82-2-880-8503 | mirinim123@snu.ac.kr |