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Hakbong Award

Korea-Japan Media Award

Outline of Hakbong Award

The Hakbong Award was created to honor the philosophy and ideology of the late Hakbong Lee Ki-hak (1928-2012), who was a Zainichi businessman in Japan, and to inherit his precious mind. It was founded in the will of Hakbong, who valued society without discrimination, equality of opportunity, and human dignity above all else while pursuing a life of sharing Under the supervision of the Seoul National University of Law, the award ceremony is held once a year, divided into thesis and discourse, legal thesis, and press reporting. SNU-IJS recommends winners in the press reporting category related to Korea-Japan relations every year.
Press Reporting “Korea-Japan Relation” Grand Prize 10 Million KRW Prize 1 peace
Runner-Up 5 Million KRW Prize A few

 Award List

Turn Prize Recipient Title of the Press Links
No.6th (2021) Special Prize Akiko Horiyama(Mainichi Shimbun Seoul bureau chief) Mainichi Shimbun, “Back to the beginning of Japan's 30-year diplomatic honor recovery on the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery issue" (慰安婦問題 30年の日本外交 名誉回復の原点に返って)” Original
Translated Version
No.7th (2022) Grand Prize Reporter Jongun Park (Mind Post) Redesign Korea-Japan relations with the solidarity of weakness [Korea-Japan relations planning edition] Original
Runner-Up Reporter Taegyo Seo  (The News Stance) 「日本」に自意識過剰、韓国大統領選を報じる日本メディアの姿勢に疑問 (2021. 10.12) & News Stance and Yahoo Japan contributions related to Korea-Japan relations during the period of eligibility for Hakbong Award (2021.9.1.~8.31) Original
No.8th (2023) Grand Prize Narikawa Aya / Columnist & Researcher at Japan Institute, Dongguk University Joonang Sunday “Narikawa Aya`s ‘Piercing Japan’”, Period for contribution - Reader`s Prism etc. Articles on Korea-Japan relations during awarding period for Hakbong Grand Prize (2022.9.1 ~ 2023.8.31) Original
Runner-Up Suhyeon Hong, Seungbum Kim ; Jeju MBC reporter / video reporter [Serial Plan] 100th Anniversary of Jeju-Osaka Liaison Line ( 8 articles total) (Initial reporting started 2023.6.5.) Original



Grand Prize Suh Hyun-jung, Ko Gyeong-seok, Nam Bo-ra, Yang Seung-jun, Lee Sang-mu, Kim Kyung-joon, Shin Eunbyul, Moon Jaeyeon / Hankook Ilbo Reporters Korea and Japan, Facing One Another, Standing Together

 Acceptance Speech

1) Lecture to Celebrate the Reward of the 7th Hakbong Award's in the press reporting category
  • -Date: 2023.3.17 (Fri) 16:00-18:00
  • -Venue: Chungsinyoung Foundation Hall
  • -Host: SNU-IJS
2) Lecture to Celebrate the Reward of the 8th Hakbong Award's in the press reporting category
  • -Date: 2024.3.15 (Fri) 15:00-17:00
  • -Venue: GL Room, SNU GSIS
  • -Host: SNU-IJS

 Contents of the Contest

1. Subject of the Contest
  • (1)A report on the theme of "Korea-Japan Relations" announced in print media, Internet, and broadcasting in Korea from January 1st to August 31st of the previous year.
  • (2)In the case of series reports, the first report must be announced before August 31 and the last report must be completed by September 30 of the same year.
  • (3)When winning the Hakbong Award in this press reporting category, it should be possible to post the contents on the website managed by the Seoul National University of Law (Steering Committee of Hakbong Award).
  • (4)In addition to articles and broadcast reports, reports include external personnel columns and reporting documentaries, but publicated books and movie media are not subject to it.
2. Eligibility
Journalists and independent journalists, including newspapers, broadcasting, communications, the Internet, and current affairs magazines. It is possible to apply from any level, such as media companies, organizations, departments, and individual journalists, but when winning the award, the relevant report must meet the requirements of paragraph (3) of the above.
3. Judgement Standard
  • (1)Critical thinking on the subject, originality and logic of the approach.
  • (2)Providing objectivity, validity, and new perspectives in analyzing the accuracy and status of information
  • (3)The reality and utility of an argument or proposal.
  • (4)In order to ensure fairness, the examination shall be conducted by forming a separate examination committee with external personnel as the chairperson and personnel in related fields as members.
4. Host
  • -Host : Graduate School of Law, SNU (Steering Committe of Hakbong Award)
  • -Sponsor : Hakbong Award Foundation
  • -Sponsor in related to Media Reporting : SNU-IJS
5. Contact
  • -E-mail :
  • -Mail : 08826, Seoul National University 17, Building 207, Gwanak-ro 1, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Steering Committee of Hakbong Award, Graduate School of Law, Seoul National University
  • -Call : 02) 880-6866
  • -Web :