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Japan-Related Database

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595 articles
Database Search
No. Area Theme Title Language Type of Data Use of Term
195 Japan General General 제6차 한일회담: 재일한인의 법적지위 관계회의 Korean Document Only Available only for visit
194 Japan General General 한일어업교섭요령(안) Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
193 Japan General General 제네바 해양법국제회의에서의 한국측 발언요지 외 Others Document Only Available only for visit
192 Japan General General 어업문제에 관한 일본측 태도 내시안(內示案) Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
191 Japan General General 한일어업교섭요령(안)과 코멘트 Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
190 Japan General General 어업문제에 관한 한일간 주장의 차이 Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
189 Japan General General 한일간의일본에거주하는대한민국국민의법적지위와대우 Others Document Only Available only for visit
188 Japan General General 청구권자금제2차년도실시계획에 관한 한일실무교섭 Korean and Japanese Document Only Available only for visit
187 Japan General General 한일 민간어업합동위원회, 제1차. 동경 Others Document Only Available only for visit
186 Japan General General 한일어업공동위원회, 제1차. 서울, 1966 Korean Document Only Available only for visit