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Standard Number 01125-99999-GAIK-D
Title 제1차 한일회담 선박소위원회 회합 경위
Area Japan General Theme General
Type of Data Document Publisher
Name of Author 제작자 / Individual Copyright 제작자
Date of Issue Date of Deposite
Language English and Japanese Use of Term Only Available only for visit
Keyword 한일회담, 제1차 한일회담, 선박, 선박소위원회
Data Interpretation '일한선박회의' 경위 - 제1회 회합
List of Japanese Members (30 Oct. 1951)
List of Korean Members (30 Oct. 1951)
Committee on Vessels
제2회 회합 (쇼와 26(1951).11. 1.목, 운수성에서)
제3회 회합(11.20. 운수성에서)
제4회 회합(11. 6.화. 운수성에서)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels (Nov. 6, 1951)
제5회 회합(11. 9. 금. 운수성에서)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제6회 회합(11.13.화. 운수성에서)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제7회 회합(11.15.목. 운수성)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제8,9,10 및 11회 회합(11.16., 20., 24일.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
별쳠 : 일본측 제출 리스트 (a) 19척
제12회 회합(11.16.월. 운수성)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제13회 회합(11.28.수. 운수성)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제14회 회합(11.30.화. 운수성)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제15회 (12. 4.)
(별지) 한국측 제출 답변서
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제16회 회합 (12. 6. 금)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제17회 회합 (12. 7. 금)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제18회 회합 (12.10.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제19회 (12.11.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
Additional List of Korean-recistered Vessels in Japanese Waters, except Fishing Vessels (Prepared by thr Korean Committee Member)
별첨 3 : 한국측 제출 리스트 (추가분) (a) 22척
제20회 (12.13.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제21회 (12.17.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제22회 (12.18.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
제23회 (12.19.)
COPY : Record of Proceedings of the Committee on Vessels
List of Japanese Vessels Located in Korean Waters on or since 9 August 1945
List of Vessels located in Korean Waters on or since 9 August 1945 : Registered in Japan
제24회 (12.20.)
COPY : Record of the Preceedings of the Comittee on Vessels
제25회, 26회 (1.19. 20.)
COPY : Record of the Preceedings of the Comittee on Vessels
제27회 (1.15.)
COPY : Record of the Preceedings of the Comittee on Vessels
제28회 (2. 5.)
COPY : Record of the Preceedings of the Comittee on Vessels
일한선박회의 제31회 (쇼와 27(1952). 2.15.)
COPY : Record of the Preceedings of the "Comittee on Vessels"
일한선박회의 제32회 (쇼와 27(1952). 3.19.)
COPY : Summary Record of the Committee on Vessels
COPY : Draft for the Agreement to Be Concluded between Japan and the Rebublic of Korea concerning the Settlement of the Vessels Problem.
  • 2006-00588-0064-01-01.pdf (69 MB)