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[Oct 17] Japan Specialist Seminar : Hate Speech on the Internet and Cyber Governance in Modern Japan

October 10, 2023l Hit 1069

Institute for Japanese Studies (IJS) has been hosting serieses of talks encompassing Japanese politics, economy, cultures and arts. With the experts from Europe, U.S. and Japan, we deliver the talks in multiple languages including Japanese, Korean and English.


We are pleased to host No.279  lecture as a part of Japan Specialist Seminars, titled “ Hate Speech on the Internet  and Cyber Governance in Modern Japan” (現代日本におけるネット上のヘイトスピーチとサイバーガバナンス)


* This seminar is held  online only


 Date: Oct 17, 2023 (Tuesday) 12:30-14:00 


- ZOOM ID : 583 289 8745

- Link :


Lecturer : Akedo Takahiro(明戸隆浩)  (Associate Professor,  Graduate School of Economics , Osaka Metropolitan University / Adjunct researcher, Research Center for Human Rights, Osaka Metropolitan University) 


Title : Hate Speech on the Internet  and Cyber Governance in Modern Japan (現代日本におけるネット上のヘイトスピーチとサイバーガバナンス)


Since the late 2000s, a radical alienation movement has emerged in Japan, with Zaitokukai (citizens' gatherings that do not allow privileges of Zainichi in Japan) as a symbol. However, since before and after the passage of the Hate Speech Resolution Act in 2016, the alienation movement on the streets, such as demonstrations and the street lines, has calmed down to some extent. On the other hand, hate speech on the Internet, which was the background of alienation movements such as Zaitokukai, is still active, and legal measures against it are extremely insufficient. Globally, 2016 was the year when the issue of fake news was noted through Brexit in the UK or Trump's election in the US, and the need to respond to these problems also required certain governance in cyberspace, which was based on "freedom" in the early days of its establishment . Based on these points, this presentation intends to examine modern Japan's hate speech on the Internet and its potential for response from the perspective of cyber governance as a global task.


Language : Japanese


Inquiry : SNU-IJS (880-8503 /