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[April 11]Japan Specialist Seminar : The Paradox of Egalitarianism: Asking Millennials in Seoul and Tokyo About Inequality and Unfairness

April 6, 2023l Hit 1173


Institute for Japanese Studies (IJS) has been hosting serieses of talks encompassing Japanese politics, economy, cultures and arts. With the experts from Europe, U.S. and Japan, we deliver the talks in multiple languages including Japanese, Korean and English.


We are pleased to host No.275  lecture as a part of Japan Specialist Seminars, titled  The Paradox of Egalitarianism: Asking Millennials in Seoul and Tokyo About Inequality and Unfairness (平等主義のパラドックス──ソウルと東京のミレニアル世代に聞いた不平等と不公平)


* This seminar is held hybrid –both online and offline


Date : 2023. 4. 11 (Tuesday) 12:00 - 14:00 (The lecture will start from 12:30)


Venue : SNU GSIS(Bldg 140) GL Room / Zoom


- Zoom ID : 583 289 8745

- Zoom Link :


Lecturer  : ASAHINA Yuki(朝比奈祐揮) Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Regional Studies, HUFS 

제 목 : The Paradox of Egalitarianism: Asking Millennials in Seoul and Tokyo About Inequality and Unfairness (平等主義のパラドックス──ソウルと東京のミレニアル世代に聞いた不平等と不公平)



Low birth rates, job insecurity, deep-rooted gaps between large and small business entities, and gender disparity. Korean and Japanese societies face common challenges in many ways, and young adults in those societies face the same difficulties. However, social surveys using various methodologies show that Korean citizens, especially young people, are more sensitive to inequality than young people in Japan. The presentation focuses on an interview survey of about 100 millennials conducted by the author in Seoul and Tokyo, dealing with the phenomenon that young people in Tokyo tend to be more tolerant of inequality than young people in Seoul. This is not because Tokyo is a more equal and fair place than Seoul, but rather because inequality is taken for granted among young people in Tokyo and there are many institutional inequalities compared to Seoul. The presenter's research project examines this issue by dividing it into areas of education, labor, and gender, and this presentation focuses in particular on gender inequality and attitudes toward it.


Language : Japanese


Inquiry : SNU-IJS (880-8503 /