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[March 10] The 5th SNU-University of Tokyo Forum  < A New Perspective on Internationalization: Seoul National University's Study of Japan and Tokyo University's Study of Korea >

January 30, 2023l Hit 1341

The 5th SNU-University of Tokyo Forum  < A New Perspective on Internationalization: Seoul National University's Study of Japan and Tokyo University's Study of Korea >

Date: March 10th , 2023 Friday 14:00-17:00

Venue: Ito International Research Center 伊藤国際学術研究センター, Hongo Campus , University of Tokyo

Language: Japanese

Host: Strategic Partnership College Project (University of Tokyo/Seoul National University)



14:00-14:06 Opening Remark : SEKIMURA Naoto (関村直人)(Vice President, University of Tokyo), Kim Hyun-Chul (Dean, SNU GSIS)


[Session 1: Seoul National University's Japanese Studies and Tokyo University's Korean Studies - Role, Performance and Prospects ]


Host: JO Gwan-ja (SNU-IJS)

14:06-14:26 Presentation (1)  NAM Ki Jeong ( Acting Director, SNU-IJS)

14:26-14:46 Presentation (2)  KIMIYA Tadashi (木宮正史) (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)

14:46-15:26 Discussion: Park Cheol-hee (Director, SNU-IIA), ARATA Shin(有田伸) (Vice Dean, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo)

15:26-15:36 Break


[세션 2: Postwar Japan's Internationalization and Political Consciousness]


Host: MAEDA Kentaro (前田健太郎) (Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo)

15:36-15:56 Presentation (3) JUNG Ji Hee (SNU-IJS)

15:56-16:16 Presentation (4) Sakaiya Shiro (境家史郎) (Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo)

16:16-16:56 Discussion : LEE Jung-Hwan ( Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University), KIMIYA Tadashi (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)


16:56-17:00 폐회사: NAM Ki Jeong ( Acting Director, SNU-IJS), SHIROYAMA Hideyaki (城山英明) (Director, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo)