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[Sep 13] Japan Specialist Seminar :  The 'Reality' and 'Discourses' on 'Lonely Death'

September 5, 2022l Hit 1447

Title: The 'Reality' and 'Discourses' on 'Lonely Death'


Date : Sep 13th, 2022 (Tuesday). 12:30-14:00


Venue: Zoom 

(ZOOM ID : 583 289 8745; Link:


Lecturer : OH  Dok Lip, Academic Researcher at Research Center for Korean Studies, Kyushu University 


Institute for Japanese Studies has been hosting serieses of talks encompassing Japanese politics, economy, cultures and arts. With the experts from Europe, U.S. and Japan, we deliver the talks in multiple languages including Japanese, Korean and English.

The 268th Japan Specialist Seminar is titled 'Reality' and 'Discourses' on 'Lonely Death'. We look forward to having your participation. 


*Please note this seminar is hosted online only 

*Language: Korean


In Japan, the term 'lonely death' has been used since the early 1970s. People have been discussing the topic as a category of social "problems." However, even half a century later, a type of death called 'lonely death' remains ambiguous without a clear definition. This seminar deals with the discussion surrounding the 'phenomenon' called 'lonely death' in Japan and mainly intends to address the following bullet points.


 First, we discuss the form of how the situation called 'lonely death'  in Japan  is understood and in what form it is treated; that is, the reality of the ‘phenomenon' based on the 'lonely death phenomenon'. 

 Second, we discuss the existing controversies regarding the fact that there is no clear definition of a situation called 'lonely death' at the center of the ‘phenomenon', and what factors the 'lonely death' contain.

 Third, by looking at the specific aspects of discourse in which  'lonely death' is conversed  in Japan, we discuss the characteristics of the development of  ‘lonely death discourse’ in Japan.


If you have any question, please contact the Administration Office of Institute for  Japanese Studies (phone :  880-8503  / email :