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[April 12]  Japan Specialist Seminars : "History and Struggles of Zainichi in Japanese Leprosy Sanatorium"

April 4, 2022l Hit 1437


Institute of Japanese Studies has been hosting serieses of talks encompassing Japanese politics, economy, cultures and arts. With the experts from Europe, U.S. and Japan, we deliver the talks in multiple languages including Japanese, Korean and English.

We are pleased to host No.262 lecture as a part of Japan Specialist Seminars, titled "History and Struggles of Zainichi in Japanese Leprosy Sanatorium"  (日本のハンセン病療養所における在日朝鮮人の歴史と闘い)

*Please note the lecture will be hosted in Zoom only for the social-distancing rules.


Title :  History and Struggles of Zainichi in Japanese Leprosy Sanatorium

Lecturer : Kim, Kwuy-Bun. Chief Curator in National Leprosy Library in Japan

Language : Japanese


Time : 12:30 - 14:00, April 12th (Tuesday), 2022 
Link : 
ZOOM ID : 583 289 8745


Summary : There was a time when more than 700 Zainichi lepers stayed in Japanese Leprosy Sanatoriums. The high disease rate for the group of people was due to the malnutrition, insanitation and low quality of life under the colonization. As inmates, Zainichi were forced to participate in so-called “patience work” which was compulsory labor and went through other hardships.  After the Korean Independence on August 15, 1945, this group of Zainichi were unable to enjoy the care support due to the financial difficulties for the implementation of Immigration Control System and Enforcement of the National Pension Act.

The seminar will offer an opportunity to study the history and struggles of Zainichi lepers along with the survivors. It will shed light on the different Leprosy-related policies and how they were positioned in the Japanese Colonization era. 

If you have any question, please contact : Intitute of Japanese Studies (phone :  880-8503  / email :