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[10/25] Religious Thought of Japan and Politics of Knowledge

October 22, 2019l Hit 2051

SNU IJS - KAJT Joint Academic Conference


Religious Thought of Japan and Politics of Knowledge


Date : 2019년 10월 25일(금) 15:00~18:00

Venue : Room 202, Building 140-2. GSIS, SNU

Host : Korea Association for Japanese Thought, SNU IJS


□ Opening Ceremony (15:00-15:10)


[Part 1] Research Presentation(15:10-17:10) MC : JO Gwanja (SNU)

□ Session 1 : LEE Yongbum (Wonkwang University) Modern Replication of Korea-Japan 'Chinese Studies' - Focusing on Kyeonghakwon and Myeongryunhakwon
Discussion : KIM Jinkyu (SNU)


□ Sesison 2 : JANG Hyejin (Hanyang University) Adapatation of the Society of Jesus in 16th Century Japan and Subsumption of Japan - From Foreign Affairs History

Duiscusion : HONG Sungjun (Dankook University)


□ Session 3 : Kunihiko Terasawa (Wartburg College, US) Dialogue on Social Buddhism, Anti-War Movement, and Social Christianity with Seno Giro in 1930-40s

Discussion : KIM Byungjin (Cheongam College)


Intermission (17:10-17:30)


[Part 2] Comprehensive Discussion (17:30-18:00) Moderator : SEO Dong Ju (SNU)