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[3/29] Graduate Student Local Survey in Japan Report

March 27, 2019l Hit 1846



2018 Graduate Student Local Survey in Japan Report

* Date: 15:00~18:00 March 29 (Fri), 2019

* Venue: Room 201, Building 140-2, GSIS, SNU

* Host: Jo, Gwanja (IJS Professor)

* 25 min per person (15 min presentation, 8 min discussion, 2 min answer)


<Part 1> 15:00~16:25

1) The Perceptions and the Foreign policies of Rhee Syngman and Park Chung Hee
Presenter: Kang, Yerin (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, SNU)

Discussion: Jang, Sungil (PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, SNU)


2) 満州国と満州国學:高等教育を中心に

Presenter: Jung, Seryun (PhD Student, Social Education (History) Major, SNU)

Discussion: Kim, Eunyoung (PhD Candidate, Social Education (History) Major, SNU)


3) 幕末期幕政改革と幕府役人たちの動向

Presenter: Hwang, Sukyung (PhD Student, Asian History Major, SNU)

Discussion: Jo, Guk (PhD, Waseda University)


<Part 2> 16:35~18:00

4) 牧谿 筆 <觀音猿鶴圖> 硏究 ― 北宋 禪佛敎の儒敎的變容

Presenter: Kang, Heeyeon (Master's Student, Archeology and Art History Major, SNU)

Discussion: Kim, Taeun (PhD Student, Archeology and Art History Major, SNU)


5) 日米安全保障条約をめぐる日本の位置づけに関する一考察


Presenter: Quan, Ho (Master's Student, Department of Political Science, SNU)

Discussion: Sakai, Masayo (酒井雅代) (Fellow Researcher, Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, SNU)


6) スケールの観点から見た国境の島、 対馬の成長連合政治

Presenter: Park, Jeehyuk (Social Education (Geography) Major, SNU)

Discussion: Ko, Minkyung (Fellow Researcher, SNU Asia Center)