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[3/21] The 205th Japan Specialist Seminar

March 9, 2017l Hit 2703

Institute for Japanese Studies at Seoul National University invites scholars from Korea, Japan, Europe, and the United States to discuss issues related to Japanese politics, economics, society, culture, and arts. The seminars are held in Japanese, Korean, and English. We are pleased to invite you to the seminar.

The 205th Japan Specialist Seminar is the first seminar that IJS holds in 2017, and thus IJS has programmed a special lecture with Tanino Sakutaro (谷野作太郞), the former Ambassador of Japan to People's Republic of China. Detailed schedule is presented as following.


 Korea-Japan Relations that Review the Past and Learn Tomorrow : My Diplomatic Career and Korea



Lecturer : Tanino Sakutaro (谷野作太郞; Former Director-General of Asian Bureau in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Former Ambassador of Japan to PRC)

Commentator : Kim Seok-woo Former Director-General of Asia-Pacific Affairs Bureau in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Former Vice Minister of Unification

Date : March 21, 2017 (Tues) 12:30 - 14:00

Venue : SNU GSIS Bldg. 140-2 International Conference Hall

Language : Korean-Japanese simultaneous translation

Contact : 02-880-8503,