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[10/6] The 24th Japan Diagnosis Seminar

September 19, 2016l Hit 3142

The 24th Japan Diagnosis Seminar 

Through the "Japan Diagnosis Seminar" series, IJS intends to discuss and evaluate diverse issues and agendas related to Japan. It is our attempt to analyze and predict the contemporary Japan's life scenes from diverse viewpoints. This seminar is open to anyone who is interested in the agenda, and everyone is free to join the discussion. We hope to see you there.   


Topic : South China Sea Dispute and Korea-Japan Relationship

Lecturer :  MINOHARA Toshihiro (簑原俊洋, Professor, Kobe University Graduate School of Law)
Date : October 6, 2016 (Thur) 15:00-17:00

Venue : SNU GSIS (Bldg. 140-2) 4th floor International Conference Room

Host: SNU Institute for Japanese Studies

Language: Japanese, English

The Background of Lecturor

MINOHARA Toshihiro is currently a professor in Graduate School of Law of Kobe Univeristy. He completed PhD in Political Science at Kobe University in 1998 and contoinued his career as a special researcher at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, an assistant professor at Kobe University, a visiting fellow at Harvard University, and a visiting professor at University of California - Irvine, Oxford University, Leiden University. His major research area is immigration problem and Japan-US relationship, decision-making process of war and SIGINT(encryption information), Komura Jutarō(former diplomat) and Japanese diplomacy, and the US Department of State and the US realism diplomacy. His major publications include "The Anti-Japanese Movement in California and U.S.-Japan Relations (カリフォルニア州の排日運動と日米関係, 2006)," "Political Situation in East Asia during the Post-War 70s: How Japan overcomes the power shifting era (戦後七〇年を迎えた東アジア情勢: パワーシフトの時代を日本はどう生き抜くか, 2015)," and "The Anti-Japanese Movement of the US and Japan-US relations (アメリカの排日運動と日米関係, 2016)." He was awarded Shimizu Hiroshi Prize in 2003 at the Japanese Association for American Studies with his book, "The Japanese Exclusion Act and US-Japan Relations (排日移民法と日米関係, 2002)." 


Contact: SNU IJS Office (880-8503/