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Japan Specialist Seminars

Specialist Seminars

Independence of Judicial Power and System in Postwar Political History: Tanaka Kotaro, Judicial Power and World Law's Details
Theme Independence of Judicial Power and System in Postwar Political History: Tanaka Kotaro, Judicial Power and World Law
Presenter Makihara Izuru (Professor, Political Administrative System of the Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Tokyo University)
Time 2024.3.19 (Tues) 12:30-14:00
Venue SNU GSIS (Bldg 140 ) GL Room & Zoom
No. 281
On March 19, 2024, the 1st "Future of Japan in the Era of Post-Regional Studies, Future of Japan's Studies" X Japan Specialist Seminar was held in a hybrid on format. Professor Makihara Izuru (Political Administrative System of the Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Tokyo University), gave a presentation under the theme of "Independence of Judicial Power and System in Postwar Political History: Tanaka Kotaro and Judicial Power and World Law" The presentation is as follows.

The presenter first explained the usefulness of oral history. In addition, he mentioned the reconstruction of the post-war history of Japan, which began in 2020, and explained the special position of Kotaro Tanaka as a breakthrough to overcome the situation where there is not much data. As a researcher, Kotaro Tanaka has been a leader and a policy consultant in legislative/administrative/judicial fields, and noted that he has not only written/argued a number of works but also has a very wide connection. For example, Tanaka was inaugurated as the second Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and served for 10 years. In addition to public office, Tanaka was a fierce Catholic and an international lawyer who fought the mainstream of post-war Japan. The presenter then emphasized the characteristics of Japanese judicial politics, the fact that Tanaka criticized the mainstream of the Supreme Court's 'governance of the general secretariat', and that the current political environment that is bound to become judicial passive was an extension of Tanaka's tenure.

After the presentation, a Q&A session was held. The seminar was concluded after discussions on potential confrontation with Nobusuke Kishi over the revision of the Constitution, the uniqueness of his status as a protestant, his relationship with Abe's policies, and what Tanaka had to say on recent political issues (such as same-sex marriage).