Academic Conference by the Editorial Board of KJJS (Korean Journal of Japanese Studies) was hosted in SNU-GSIS on May 11th (Fri).
The academic conference aimed to explore Japanese society, culture, and the Japanese mindset through the lens of trees and forests, and to provide a platform for radical thinking that transcends anthropocentrism in the Anthropocene.
In the first session, moderated by Professor CHO Hyun-jeong (KAIST), Professor HAN Ji-man presented on "Western-Style Architecture(擬洋風): An Attitude of Traditional Japanese Carpenters Facing Modernity," Professor KIM Ji-young (Sungkyunkwan University) spoke on "What Art Did for the Establishment of Modern Japan's 'National Landscape': A Brief Examination of 'National Park Paintings' and 'National Park Photographs'," and Professor LEE Ho-sang (Incheon University) discussed "The Neglected Forest Issues in Japan During the Age of Population Decline: Focusing on Unclaimed Forests."
In the second session, moderated by Professor PARK Hoon (Seoul National University), Professor LEE Kyung-hee (KAIST) presented on "Haruki Murakami's Literature and the Narrative of 'Moving' Forests: From the Perspective of 'Realism'," Professor BAE Kwan-moon (Wonkwang University) spoke on "The Forests of Studio Ghibli: Memories of Broadleaf Forests and Japanese Views of Nature," and Professor OH Eun Jeong (Kangwon National University) discussed "Life in the Fukushima Forest: Disaster, Humanity, and Nature."
Additionally, several researchers including SEO Dong-cheon (Mokpo National University), SEONG Na-yeon (Seoul National University), PARK Seung-hyeon (Kyemyung University), SHIM Soo-kyung (Seoil University), KWAK Dong-gon (Korea University), and JI Eun-sook (Seoul National University) participated as discussants, engaging in heated discussions and Q&A sessions with the presenters.
The presentations from this conference will be available in the August 2024 issue of KJJS (Vol. 31).
<개회> 13:30~13:40 (사회: 이은경(서울대))
개회사: 박훈(서울대/ 편집위원장)
환영사&취지 소개: 조현정(카이스트/ 제31호 책임편집자)
<제1부> 13:40~15:25 (사회: 조현정(카이스트))
한지만(명지대) “의양풍(擬洋風) 건축: 일본의 전통 목수가 근대를 맞이한 한 태도”
토론: 서동천(목포대)
김지영(성균관대) “근대 일본의 ‘국가적 풍경’의 정립에 미술은 무엇을 했나: ‘국립공원회화’ 에 대한 일고찰”
토론: 성나연(서울대)
이호상(인천대) “인구감소시대 일본의 방치되는 산림 문제에 대한 고찰”
토론: 박승현(계명대)
<제2부> 15:35~17:20 (사회: 박훈(서울대))
이경희(카이스트) “무라카미 하루키의 문학, ‘이동하는’ 숲의 내러티브: ‘리얼리즘’의 관점에서”
토론: 심수경(서일대)
배관문(원광대) “지브리의 숲: 조엽수림의 기억과 일본적 자연관”
토론: 곽동곤(고려대)
오은정(강원대) “후쿠시마 숲의 삶: 재난과 인간 그리고 자연”
토론: 지은숙(서울대)
<정리토론 및 폐회> 17:20~18:00