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Domestic Academic Conferences


[2013 Japanese Studies Support Project] Interim Presentation's Details
Theme [2013 Japanese Studies Support Project] Interim Presentation
Host SNU Institute for Japanese Studies
Time (Thurs) Oct. 30, 2014, 15:00-18:00
Venue SNU GSIS Bldg. 140, IJS Seminar Room 412
권숙인(서울대 인류학과)
“1910년대 <조선공론> 지면을 통해 본 식민지조선 일본인 사회의 젠더정치”
토론: 이은경(서울대 일본연구소)

이강원(서울대 비교문화연구소)
“3.11 동일본 대지진 이후 방재 전문가들의 성찰”
토론: 박지환(서울대 일본연구소)

김용철(고려대 일본연구센터)
“아시아태평양전쟁기 오카쿠라 덴신 재조명”
토론: 최재혁(성신여대 강사)
KWEON Sug-In (SNU Depart. of Anthropology)
"1910s Japanese Society's Gender Politics in Colonial Korea through the Study of <Chosun Gonron>, Japanese Magazine"
Discussion: LEE Eun-gyeong (SNU IJS)

LEE Kang-Won (SNU Institute of Cultural Studies)
"Reflection of Disaster Experts after the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake"
Discussion: PARK Jee-hwan (SNU IJS)

KIM Yong-Chul (Korea Univ. Center for Japanese Studies)
"Revisiting Okakura Tenshin's "Asia-Pacific War"
Discussion: ChOI Jae-Hyuk (Sungshin Women's Univ.)