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HK Project Team



직위 お茶の水大学
전공 페미니즘이론 한일비교정치
이메일 kiyoungshin11@gmail.com


1992 서울대학교 외교학과 석사
1995 서울대학교 외교학과 박사
2006 University of Washington 박사


2008 일본 오차노미즈여대 대학원 인간문화창성과학연구과 준교수
2007 서울대학교 일본학 연구소 객원연구원
2005 일본 오차노미즈여대 일본 학술진흥재단(JSPS) 외국인특별연구원
2004 일본 오차노미즈여대 21세기COE프로그램 객원연구원
2002 일본 오차노미즈여대 젠더연구센터 Research Associate


2006, Legal Mobilizations in Strong States: the Family Law Reform Movements in Contemporary Japan and
South Korea, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington.


2016, “Gender Quota and Candidate Selection Processes in South Korean Political Parties,” Pacific Affairs: An International Review of Asia and the Pacific, Vol. 89 No. 2
2016, 「디아스포라이론과 동아시아속의 재일코리안 (Diaspora theory and Zainichi Koreans in the Context of East Asian Politics), 『일본비평』 14
2016, 「특집 재일코리안 편집자의 말 (Editors’ Note): ‘사실로서의 재일’과 ‘변하지 않는 일본’의 교차」, 『일본비평』 14
2016, 「再生産領域の金融化: 生命保険業の「 金融媒介者」 論にむけて」 (Financialization of Reproductive Sphere and Financial Brokers in Life-insurance Industry), 『ジェンダー研究』 19 (공저)
2016, 「글로벌 시각에서 본 일본군 ‘위안부’ 문제: 한일관계의 양자적 틀을 넘어서(Rethinking the Japanese Military ‘Comfort Women’ Issue from a Global Perspective: Beyond Korea-Japan Bilateral Relations), 『일본비평』 15
2015, “Mixed Effects of Legislative Quotas in South Korea,” Politics & Gender, Vol. 11 No.1 March (with Jiso Yoon, SSCI)
2015, 「特集諸言『ジェンダー主流化』の理論と実践」 (Gender Mainstreaming: Theory and Practices) 『ジェンダー研究』 18
2014, “Women’s Sustainable Representation and the Spillover Effect of Electoral Gender Quotas in South
Korea,” International Political Science Review, Vol.35, No.1 (special issue, SSCI) DOI: 10.1177/0192512113508146
2014, 「日韓生命保険業における労働のジェンダー化」, 『ジェンダー研究』 17 (공저)
2013, 「ジェンダー政策の形成過程―— 理論的考察と韓国の事例」, 『 国際ジェンダー学会誌:Japanese Journal of International Society for Gender Studies』 11 (invited, special issue).
2013, 「韓国とクオータ制」, 『国際女性』 Dec. 27 (invited, special issue).
2013, 「마이너리티 이론의 탐색: 비본질적・포괄적 연구를 위하여( Towards Non-Essential
Minority Theories) 」, 『일본비평』 8
2012, 「커뮤니케이션, 초국가적 공론장, 그리고 초국가적 연대: 일본군위안부 문제해결을 위한 아시아연대를 중심으로 (Communication, Transnational Public Sphere, and Transnational Solidarity: Transnational Solidarity Network for the “Comfort Women” Issue)」, 『세계정치』 18
2009, 「초국가적 이주와 다문화사회의 국적: 필리핀여성의 일본으로의 이주와 국제혼외자의 국적문제를 중심으로(Transnational Migration and Nationality in Multinational Society)」 『일본연구논총』 30
2008, “The Personal is the Political: Women’s Surname Change in Japan,” Journal of Korean Law, December Vol. 8, No.1
2008, “Development of “Jinbo” Women’s Movement in Korea Since the 1980s,” Journal of Gender Studies,
2006, “Politics of the Family Law Reform Movement in Contemporary Korea: A Contentious Space for Gender and the Nation,” Journal of Korean Studies Vol.11 No.1, Fall pp. 93-125 (Special Issue, A&HCI).
2006, 「フェミニスト視点から分析した韓国戸主制度廃止運動」, 『国際女性』 20 (invited)
2004, “Fufubessei Movement in Japan: Thinking About Women’s Resistance and Subjectivity,” Frontiers of Gender Studies No.2 September
2004, 「女性運動としての家族法改正運動:1980 年以降の別姓運動」, 『訪日学術研究者論文集-一般-』 第十一巻(2001 年 10 月~2004 年 3 月) 財団法人日韓文化交流基金


2016, 「トランスナショナル公共圏と市民連帯」 (Transnational Public Sphere and Solidarity Network), 杉田孝夫、 中村孝文編 、おうふう政治ライブラリーシリーズ『市民社会論』, おうふう出版社 ISBN 978427303726
2016, 「‘개인적인 것이 정치적인 것이다’: 선택적 부부별성(夫婦別姓)과 이름의 정치학 (‘The Personal is Political’: Fufubessei and the Politics of Women’s Names」 , 권인숙, 김효진, 지은숙 편, 『 젠더와 일본사회 (Gender and Japanese Society))
2015, “Governance,” Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory edited by Mary Hawkesworth and Lisa Jane Disch, Oxford University Press, 304-325 (Online Publication Date: 15th Sep 2015 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328581.013.16)
2015, “Women's Mobilizations for Political Representation in Patriarchal States: Models from Japan and South Korea,” Gender and Power: Towards Equality and Democratic Governance, Mary Hawkesworth and Mino Vianello eds. Palgrave McMillan
2014, 「韓国:女性候補者クオータ制度の成立過程と成果」, 三浦まり, 衛藤幹子 共編 『 ジェンダー・クオータ:世界の女性議員はなぜ増えたのか』 明石書店
2013, 「クオータ制を導入した韓国から――政治が変わらない限り、社会は変わらない」 WINWIN 編著『クオータ制をめざす』 パドウィメンズオフィス
2013, 「Ⅳ.「ジェンダー・格差センシティブな働き方と生活の調和「 のための法政提言」, 『ジェンダー・格差センシティブなワーク・ライフ・バランスをめざして』
2012, 「政権交代と社会運動をめぐるイシュー・アテンション――民主党政権前後を事例として――(Issue Attention to Change of Government and Social Movements: Social Movement Issues before and after the birth of the DPJ Government)」 茨城大学人文学部紀要『人文コミュニケーション学科論集』第 13 号、 131-162 頁 (co-authored with Shun Harada et al.)
2011, “The Women’s Movements,” The Routledge Handbook of Japanese Politics, edited by Alisa Gaunder,
2010, “Risk and the Emergence of New Subpolitics in Japan,” Risk and Public Policy in East Asia, edited by
Raymond C.K. Chan, Lilian Wang, and Mutsuko Takahashi, Ashgate
2010, 「초국가적 이주와 다문화사회의 국적: 필리핀여성의 일본으로의 이주와 국제혼외자의 국적문제를 중심으로(Transnational Migration and Nationality in Multinational Society)」, 권숙인 편『 다문화사회일본과 정체성정치 (Multinational Japan and the Politics of Idendity)』 서울대학교 출판부
2010, “Symposium on Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Women’s Policies in Japan,” Gender,
Technology and Development, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 286-291.
2009, “Fufubessei Movement in Japan: Thinking About Women’s Movement and Subjectivity,” Global Gender Research edited by Christine E.Bose and Minjeong Kim, Routledge
2009, 「젠더와 세계정치」 15장(역서), 하영선 외 역 『세계정치론』 을유문화사 (Ch.15, “Gender in World Politics,” The Globalization of World Politics (4th Edition) Oxford University Press
2009, 「일본사회부분」, 『 미래연구』 한국행정연구원위탁연구과제
2008, 「フェミニスト運動と抵抗的知識生産―韓国の家族法改正運動の例から」 <ジェンダー研究のフロンティア>第 1 巻 戒能民江編 『国家/ファミリーの再構築-人権・私的領域・政策』, 作品社
2007, 「2005年韓国家族法改正過程の特徴と新しい家族制度の可能性」『韓国におけるドメスティック・バイオレンス政策調査研究』報告書、 F-GENS Publication Series 27, お茶の水女子大学
2007, 「「参画スキル・ワークショップ」モデルの可能性と男女共同参画センター」『参画のスキルワークショップ:インタビュー(聞き取り)調査編報告書』東京都北区男女共同参画センタースペースゆう
2006, “Fufubessei Movement in Japan: Thinking About Women’s Resistance and Subjectivity,” Law and
Social Movement, Michael McCann (ed.) Ashgate, (Reprinted).
2005, 「男女共同参画条例の制定とそのバックラッシュ対策で私たちは何を学んだか:二つのケー
ス」 戒能民江編『国・自治体における男女共同参画社会政策:市民との協力を向けて』 FGENS Publication Series 3, お茶の水女子大学