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[8/8] 일본연구소 국제회의

2013-08-06l 조회수 7626

서울대학교 일본연구소는 국내 일본연구의 질적 발전과 일본 관련 학술담론의 활성화를 위해 적극적인 학술교류를 추진하고 있습니다.

이러한 취지에서 이번에 < Dynamics of Political Economy between Japanese Empire and Colonies >이라는 주제로 학술연구회를 개최합니다.

관심 있는 연구자 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁 드립니다.

Dynamics of Political Economy

between Japanese Empire and Colonies

일시 : 2013년 8월 8일 09:15 ~ 18:40
장소 : 서울대학교 국제대학원 140-2동 202호
언어 : 일본어(메인), 영어
Opening Ceremony: Cheol Hee Park (Director, IJS at Seoul National University)                                                                                      9:15
Session 1: Imperial Cognition and Diplomatic Realization                 9:30~12:00
Moderator: Chaisung Lim (Professor, Seoul National University)
Pei-Hsin Lin (Professor, National Taiwan Normal University)
“The Southern Economic Investigation of Taiwan Government-General”
Kitae Lee (Post-doc Fellow, Yonsei University)
Japan's Asian Solidarity and Intellectuals on the Korean Peninsula in the Interwar Period”
Hayato Yukawa (Ph.D. Student, Kobe University)
“The Formation Process of a New Order in East Asia in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”
Dong-jun Lee (Professor, Korea University)
“Japan's Perception of Compensation: From the Lesson of the First World War to the Second World War”
Tosh Minohara (Professor, Kobe University)
“The Great War and the transformation of Japanese Diplomacy”
Lunch Time                                                                          12:00~13:00

Session 2: Production and Distribution within the Imperial Boundary 13:00~15:00
Moderator: Lung-Pao, Tsai (Professor, National Taipei University)
Shu-Yuan Kao (Professor, National Cheng Kung University)
“The Taiwan Government General and Organic Solvents Industry”
Kensuke Hirai (Lecturer, Konan University)
“Tariff Disputes over the East Asian Sugar Market during the 1920s”
Teruhiro Minato (Professor, Osaka Industrial University)     
“Taiwanese Electric Power Industry and Capital Markets” 
Chaisung Lim (Professor, Seoul National University)
“Development of Japanese Government's Tobacco Monopoly System during the Prewar Period”
Break Time                                                                          15:00~15:30
Session 3: Economic Policy of the Empire and the Circulation of Economic Resources 15:30~18:00
Moderator: Tosh Minohara (Professor, Kobe University)

Satoshi Hattori (Part-time Lecturer, Osaka University of Foreign Studies)
“Japan’s Trade Policy toward the League of Nations” 
Myunghwi Lee (Professor, Ewha W. University)
“The Stock Exchange Network in Dalian, Seoul, Osaka, 1932-1942”
Tien-Kun Yang (Professor, National Taiwan University)
“The Comparative Research on Economic Policies of the Kōdōha and the Tōseiha in the Imperial Japanese Army: Focusing on Economic Constructions of Manchukuo and Japan”
Sungnam Kim(Ph.D. Student, Seoul National University)
“Development of the Industrial Cooperative Policy in the Japanese Empire”
Lung-Pao, Tsai (Professor, National Taipei University)
 “Japanese Industries’ Advancing Overseas in the Wartime: A Case Study of Kazimakumi”
Plenary Discussion                                                                18:00~18:40
Moderator: Chaisung Lim (Professor, Seoul National University)

 첨부파일 (1개)