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[11/15]제2회 한일 차세대 음악학자 교환 세미나

2012-11-08l 조회수 7608

The 2nd Korean-Japanese Exchange Seminar in Musicology
제2회 한일 차세대 음악학자 교환 세미나
Musical Production, Performance,Research and Aesthetics
in Modern Korea and Japan

2012 11월 15일(목) 12:30-18:30
장소: 서울대학교 국제대학원 GL Room
문의: 880-8503, ljs@snu.ac.kr
주최: 서울대학교 일본연구소
주관: 서울대학교 음악대학
12:30-12:40 Welcome Speech Hee Sook Oh 
                 Chair of the 2nd Korean-Japanese exchange seminar
Key Note Speech Cheol -Hee Park   
                  Director, Institute for Japanese studies, Seoul National University
Lecture 1
12:40-1:00 Prof. Hilary Finchum- Sung (Seoul National University) 
Presentation Section 1
13:00-14:40 Hanako Takayama  Soo-kyung Lee ,Natsuko Jimbo ,
Hye-Rin Ryu, Matsuo Risa 
14:40-15:00 Break
Lecture 2
15:00-15:20 Prof. Hermann Gottschewski (University of Tokyo) 
Presentation Section 2
15:20-17:20 Hye-Jin Yi ,Shaw Lee,  Yu sun Won,  Hiroshi Okano 
Eunsoo Lee , So-yi Kim
5:30-6:30 Special Concert 
Prof. Ji-young Yi (Seoul National University) / Janggu: Ji-won Bang
Gayageum Quartet K; So-ra Park, Mi-li Lee, Ji-ae Lee, Kyung-mi Lim
 6:30 General Discussion & Reception