[11/28] 216th Japan Specialist Seminar

November 23, 2017l Hit 2419

Institute for Japanese Studies at Seoul National University invites scholars from Korea, Japan, Europe, and the United States to discuss issues related to Japanese politics, economics, society, culture, and arts. The seminars are held in Japanese, Korean, and English. We are pleased to invite you to the seminar.

Date : November 28, 2017 (Tue) 12:00 - 14:00 (Lecture starts at12:30) 
Venue : GSIS (Bldg. 140) Room 102 
Lecturer :  PARK Se Yeon (朴世姸) (Seoul National University Interdisciplinary Program Art Management Ph.D.)
Title : 《Japan World Exposition》(1970) and Avant-Garde Art
Language : Korean 

Contact: SNU IJS Office (880-8503/ijs@snu.ac.kr)